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Angele’s Moroccan Cocktail

1 drink

Angele Restaurant & Bar in Napa, CA

    • 2 oz. Charbay Pomegranate Vodka
    • 1/2 oz. The Perfect Purée Pomegranate Concentrate, thawed
    • 1/2 oz. cardamom-infused simple syrup*
    • 1/2 oz. lemon juice
*For the Cardamom Simple Syrup:
    • 1 cup of water
    • 4 cups of whole cardamom
    • 2 cups of sugar
Method for the Cardamom Simple Syrup:
1. Bring 1 cup of water and 4 cups of whole cardamom to a boil. Stir in 2 cups of sugar – stir until fully dissolved. Remove from the heat and allow to cool; keep in the refrigerator for 3 days, then remove the cardamom. [Can scale-down for making at home]

Combine all ingredients in a shaker full of ice; shake until frothy and serve in a martini glass garnished with an orange twist.