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Black Currant Crème Brûlée

8 Serving size: 1 slice

2 days

Jacques Poulain / Chef, Aalst Chocolate, Singapore

For the Black Currant Tea Crème Brûlée:
    • 3 oz. The Perfect Purée Black Currant Puree, thawed
    • 2 1/2 oz. black currant tea
    • 1 qt. heavy cream
    • 4 oz. sugar
    • 4 oz. egg yolks, beaten
Method for the Black Currant Tea Crème Brûlée:
1. Boil the black currant tea and Black Currant Puree with the heavy cream for 2 minutes.
2. Remove mix from heat and strain.
3. Add sugar and egg yolk to the strained cream mixture. Heat until mixture reaches 180°F.
4. Once mixture reaches designated temperature, remove from heat, pour into large metal bowl and refrigerate for 12 hours.
For the White Chocolate Truffle:
    • 1 qt. heavy cream
    • 12 oz. white chocolate
Method for the White Chocolate Truffle:
1. Whip cream lightly.
2. Melt white chocolate and continue heating until very hot.
3. Rapidly combine cream and white chocolate.
4. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
For the Napoleon:
    • 36 circles brick dough
    • Black Currant Tea Crème Brûlée
    • White Chocolate Truffle
    • Granulated sugar
Method for the Napoleon:
1. Follow directions and cook 36 circles of brick dough.
2. When brick dough is cold, cover with a fine layer of white chocolate truffle. Place a second layer of brick dough over white chocolate truffle. Refrigerate for one hour.
3. Remove and cover with one layer of black currant tea crème brûlée and top with last layer of brick dough. Refrigerate for 6 hours.
4. Remove and sprinkle sugar evenly over top layer of dough, caramelize with brûlée iron, propane torch or hot broiler.
Serving Suggestion:
Serve with black currant sorbet.