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Black Pepper Ham and Emmental Crepes with Peach Ginger and Maple Sauce

Toni Roberts / Pastry Chef & CIA Bachelor's Alumnae '05, Ritz-Carlton, Chicago, IL; Event - CIA Worlds of Flavor 2021

For the crepe batter:
    • 365g All-Purpose flour
    • 1 tsp. salt
    • 5 eggs
    • 1 egg yolks
    • 600g milk
    • 75g butter, melted
Method for the crepe batter:
1. Blend everything together in a blender until smooth.
2. Strain through the bowl strainer.
3. Allow to sit overnight.
4. Stir before cooking.
For the Peach Ginger and Maple Sauce:
    • 1/2 cup The Perfect Purée Peach Ginger blend, thawed
    • 1 cup maple syrup, dark or Grade B
    • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
    • 2 tbsp. unsalted butter
Method for the Peach Ginger and Maple Sauce:
1. Bring the maple syrup to a boil in a small pot. Simmer for 3-4 minutes to reduce.
2. Deglaze with Peach Ginger and bring back to a simmer.
3. Whisk in the lemon juice and butter.
4. Keep warm until ready to use.
To Plate:
    • Cooked crepes
    • Warm Peach Ginger and Maple Sauce
    • Sliced ham, as needed
    • Shredded Emmental cheese, as needed
    • Chopped fresh herbs, such as chives and parsley, optional
    • Black pepper, optional
Method for plating:
1. Place the crepe in a warm pan.
2. Sprinkle with Emmental cheese and layer on slices of ham.
3. Fold the crepe in fourths and place on a plate.
4. Drizzle with Peach Ginger and Maple Sauce and a few turns of cracked black pepper and fresh herbs to serve.