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Coconut Crémeux with Green Apple Gelée

10 servings

Pastry Chef Ramon Perez of Comme Ça – Los Angeles, CA and Las Vegas, NV

    • coriander blossoms
    • green micro shiso leaves
Cucumber Juice:
    • 375 g. cucumber
    • 10 g. Granny Smith apple peels
1. Put the cucumbers and Granny Smith apple peels in a VitaMix blender and mix on medium until well blended. Strain through a chinois.
Cucumber Ice Cream:
    • 300 g. whole milk
    • 35 g. milk powder
    • 25 g. atomized glucose
    • 75 g. sugar
    • 3 3/4 g. PreGel Neutro ice cream stabilizer
    • 100 g. heavy cream
1. Put the milk, milk powder, and glucose in pot over medium heat. Mix the sugar with the ice cream stabilizer. When the milk mixture reaches 30ºC, add the sugar mixture. At 45ºC, add the cream and continue to cook to 85ºC, stirring constantly. Chill rapidly to 4ºC, and add 275 grams of the Cucumber Juice. Refrigerate and rest the ice cream base overnight. Process the next day in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Coconut Crémeux:
    • 1 1/2 g. gelatin
    • 200 g. The Perfect Purée Coconut Puree,  thawed
    • 20 g. lime juice
    • 15 g. PreGel egg white powder
1. Bloom the gelatin in ice water. Heat 20 grams of the coconut purée with the lime juice, add the bloomed gelatin, and stir to combine. Combine with the remaining coconut puree with the egg white powder. In the bowl of a stand mixer, whip on medium speed with a whisk attachment for 2 minutes. Combine with the lime juice mixture. Pour into a container and reserve.
Compressed Cucumber:
    • 1 English cucumber
    • 15 g. lime juice
1. Peel the cucumber, reserving the skin for the Green Apple Gelée. Finely brunoise the cucumber. Add the cucumber and lime juice to a vacuum bag and use a Multivac vacuum on the highest setting.
Green Apple Gelée:
    • 2 Granny Smith apples
    • 75 g. 100% simple syrup
    • 2 g. citric acid
    • 285 g. apple juice
    • 4 g. silver gelatin, bloomed
1. Cut the apples, with skins, into small pieces. Blend with the cucumber skin, simple syrup, citric acid, and apple juice on medium speed; strain through a chinois. Bloom the gelatin in ice water. Weigh out 285 grams of the juice. Warm 30 grams of this juice, dissolve the gelatin in it, and strain through a chinois into the rest of the measured out juice. Pour into the desired tray and set.
Lime Purée:
    • zest of 4 limes
    • 25 g. water
    • 50 g. sugar
    • 50 g. lime juice
    • 1/2 g. citric acid
    • 10 g. butter
1. In a small saucepot, cover the lime zest with water, and cook on low heat for 30 minutes. Strain, and blend with the sugar, lime juice, and citric acid. Add the butter. Strain through a chinois.
Puffed Tapioca:
    • 100 g. grapeseed oil
    • 30 g. tapioca pearls
    • 100 g. matcha powder
1. Heat the oil to 375ºF. Add the tapioca pearls, and fry until completely puffed. Blot dry to remove the excess oil. Roll in matcha powder. Sift off excess powder and store in an airtight container.
Assemble and Serve:
Spoon the Lime Purée on the plate in 3 small dollops. Top with the Coconut Crémeux, covering the lime well. Break up the Green Apple Gelée, and plate on top of the Crémeux, followed by the Compressed Cucumber. Quenelle the Cucumber Ice Cream and top with Puffed Tapioca, coriander blossoms, and green micro shiso leaves.