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Hurricane Milk Punch

4 servings

Patricia Grimm / Beverage Director, Adele’s, Nashville, TN

    • 15 oz. light rum
    • 15 oz. dark rum
    • 30 oz. jar The Perfect Purée Passion Fruit Concentrate, thawed
    • 30 oz simple syrup
    • 4 tsp. allspice
    • 8 limes
    • 12 cups whole milk
Combine the first 5 ingredients in a sealable plastic container. Stir. Zest the eight limes with vegetable peeler and add lime peels to mixture. Cut peeled limes in half and juice. Add juice to mixture. Refrigerate for at least four hours, or up to three days. Makes four servings.
To finish:
Strain mixture with a mesh strainer into a container that has room to hold another 14 cups of liquid. Discard the peels and allspice berries. Bring 12 cups of whole milk to a slow boil, careful not to scorch the milk or overflow the pot. When the milk comes to a boil, immediately turn off the heat and pour the entire pot of milk into the cold cocktail mixture. The milk will immediately curdle and rise to the top. The final step is to strain the mixture through a paper grease or coffee filter. (This process will take a very long time.) Once strained, refrigerate and serve whenever ready over a large ice cube. Garnish with an orange zest and cherry.