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Kiwi Bird

1 drink

Joseph Habib (IG: @josephgabrielhabib), Backbar, Somerville, MA; Photo by Anastasia Flaherty (IG: @its_ana_stasia)

    • 1 oz. Broken Shed Vodka
    • 1 oz. Compass Box Great King St Artist Blend Scotch
    • 1 oz. kiwi syrup (equal parts by weight sugar and The Perfect Purée Kiwi Puree, thawed)
    • 1 oz. coconut cream
    • 3/4 oz. lime juice
    • 3 dashes orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice and top with crushed ice in a tiki mug. Garnish with kiwi slices, lime zest and nutmeg.