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Love Letter

1 drink

Caleb Burbey, Bar & Beverage Director, Bacari Restaurants

Ingredients for Love Letter:

• 3 drops 20% saline solution
• ¾ oz. lemon juice
• 1 oz. toasted marshmallow & passionfruit syrup
• 1 ¾ oz. house-made honeyed whiskey

Ingredients for Toasted Marshmallow & Passionfruit Syrup:

• 126 g. marshmallow
• 250 g. hot water
• 241 g. The Perfect Purée Passion Fruit Concentrate, thawed
• 383 g. C&H granulated sugar

Method for Toasted Marshmallow & Passionfruit Syrup:

1. Begin by lightly toasting marshmallows with a blowtorch, then combine with hot water over medium-low heat until fully melted and emulsified.
2. Once marshmallows have been incorporated into hot water, gradually add in sugar and whisk to combine.
3. Once all three ingredients are aqueous, transfer to a blender and combine with Passion Fruit Concentrate, blending at a moderate speed until color and texture is consistent.
4. Transfer marshmallow-passion fruit syrup to a clean and sanitized container; label, date, refrigerate.

Method for Love Letter:

1. Add ingredients into the smaller of a set of Boston tins.
2. Shake vigorously with 1×1” ice cubes until frosty and frothy.
3. Finely strained into a rocks glass over a single piece of clear, carved ice and garnish with a toasted marshmallow at the end of a bamboo skewer.