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Mandarin/Tangerine Vinaigrette

Nanette and Valentin Humer (IG: @salutesante) / Founders, Saluté Santé! Grapeseed Oil, Napa Valley, CA; Photo by Saluté Santé! Grapeseed Oil

1 tbsp. The Perfect Purée Mandarin/Tangerine Concentrate, thawed
3/4 cup Salute Santé! Grapeseed Oil
3 tbsp. dijon mustard
2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. raw sugar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1. Whisk together Mandarin/Tangerine Concentrate, dijon mustard, vinegar, salt, pepper, and sugar in a small bowl or with a mixer.
2. Slowly add the Salute Santé! Grapeseed Oil to the mixture while whisking to emulsify, until thick.
3. Spoon into a dressing jar and use as necessary. Serve over fresh greens or as a dip for a lightly fried appetizer.