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Pina Picante

1 drink

Dan Kaiser, JoLe

    • 2 oz. Charbay Tequila Blanco
    • 3/4 oz. The Perfect Purée Carmelized Pineapple Concentrate,  thawed
    • 1/2 barspoon The Perfect Purée Ginger Puree,  thawed
    • small bunch cilantro
    • 2 slices jalapeño
    • 1 egg white
    • fresh lime juice
1. In a mixing glass, muddle jalapeño, cilantro, lime juice, Carmelized Pineapple Concentrate and Ginger Puree. Add tequila and egg white. Shake in a Boston Shaker without ice vigorously. Then add ice and shake vigorously again. Strain into a mason jar filled with ice and garnish with jalapeño and cilantro. Serve.