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Ultimate Cranberry Ginger Martini

1 drink

Chef Dave Martin

    • 2 oz. Premium vodka
    • 2 oz. The Perfect Purée Cranberry Puree, thawed
    • 1 oz. Orange Zest Simple Syrup
    • 1 tbsp. fresh lime juice
    • 3 oz. ginger beer
    • Ginger Sugar Dust (for rimmer)
For the Orange Zest Simple Syrup:
    • 1 tbsp. The Perfect Purée Orange Zest, thawed
    • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/2 cup water
Method for the Orange Zest Simple Syrup:
1. In a small sauce pan, heat all ingredients over high heat until sugar is dissolved. You can cook for a couple minutes which will thicken the syrup, the choice is yours.
For the Ginger Sugar Dust:
    • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/2 tsp. ginger powder
Method for the Ginger Sugar Dust:
1. Stir the sugar and ginger powder and mix thoroughly. Set aside in a dry place.
Method for the Cocktail:
1. Dip chilled martini glass rim in lime juice and then dip in ginger/sugar dust. Measure & blend all ingredients in martini shaker with ice. Shake gently and serve in chilled martini glass and enjoy.