
Blue Fin Tuna with Blood Orange Vinaigrette

Chef Hugo Miranda (IG: @chefhugomiranda), Holiday Inn Burbank-Media Center, Burbank, CA; Photo by Chef Hugo Miranda

6 oz. blue fin tuna
1 oz. sesame oil
For the Tuna Crust:
1 oz. roasted white sesame seed
1 oz. roasted black sesame seed
1. Rub sesame seeds all around the tuna, then get a small sauce pan with 1 oz. sesame oil, sear all around each side for 10 seconds. Slice into 4 pieces.
For the Blood Orange Vinaigrette:
1 cup The Perfect Purée Blood Orange Concentrate, thawed
1 oz. ponzu sauce
1 tbsp. minced ginger
1 tbsp. granulated sugar
1 tbsp. salt
1/2 tbsp. black pepper
1/2 cup extra vegan olive oil
Method for the Blood Orange Vinaigrette:
1. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend for 30 seconds.
For the Assembly:
3 oz. micro chef blend
2 oz. sunburst yellow squash, blanche al dente
2 oz. baby zucchini, blanche al dente
Assembly Method:
1. Arrange tuna pieces, micro chef blend, yellow squash and baby zucchini onto plate.
2. Pour Blood Orange Vinaigrette into plate.
3. Serve.