Mimosa Royale Video

Mimosa Royale Video

Mimosa Royale A low ABV summer cocktail with fruity and refreshing notes featuring The Perfect Purée Strawberry Puree by Alex Valencia / Co-owner and beverage director of La Contenta Restaurants, New York. Videography by @haughtfaiia (Instagram).  ...
Apricot Saketini Video

Apricot Saketini Video

Apricot SaketiniApricot Saketini features The Perfect Purée Apricot Puree by Amy Witz, an entry for the August 2013 The Perfect Purée Flavor Artist Video Contest. Amy is a Sommelier for Hyatt Regency in Chicago, Illinois.     Get Recipe  ...
Water Glass Parfaits Video

Water Glass Parfaits Video

Water Glass ParfaitsRise and shine in anticipation of a Water Glass Parfait – a delicious way to start your day.     Get Recipe    Flavors to Explore Purees: Apricot, Banana, Black Currant, Blackberry, Blueberry, Cherry,Coconut,...
Recipes: Housemade Kombucha

Recipes: Housemade Kombucha

Housemade KombuchaCraft small-batch housemade kombucha using our delicious flavors. Mix and match to create the perfect flavored batch for your customers.     Get Recipe    Flavors Available to Sample: Purees: Apricot, Banana, Black...