Pretty in Pink
Floral-inspired cocktails created by mixologist Michelle Mirz enchant and delight guests. Each has lively flavors and playful pairings, inviting one to let their imagination bloom.
Discover: Lychee, Sweet Hibiscus
Discover: Sweet Ginger
Select up to 12 flavors.
Available to Foodservice Professionals & Distributors Only.
Flavors to Explore
Purees: Apricot, Banana, Black Currant, Blackberry, Blueberry, Cherry, Coconut, Cranberry, Ginger, Kiwi, Lychee, Mango, Pear, Pink Guava, Prickly Pear, Red Jalapeño, Red Raspberry, Strawberry, Tamarind, White Peach
Concentrates: Carmelized Pineapple, Key Lime, Mandarin/Tangerine, Meyer Lemon, Passion Fruit, Pomegranate, Chipotle Sour, El Corazon, Passion Colada, Red Sangria, Sweet Hibiscus, Yuzu Luxe Sour
Zests: Lime Zest, Lemon Zest, Orange Zest,
Complimentary to Foodservice Professionals Only.