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Chicken Wings with Honey Pomegranate Glaze

Vlad Briantsev (IG: @chef_briantsev) / Chef and Owner, Cookingwithvlad, Chicago, IL; Photo by Vlad Briantsev

For the Honey Pomegranate Glaze:
    • 8 tsp. The Perfect Purée Pomegranate Concentrate, thawed
    • 40g honey
    • 5g sesame oil
Method for the Honey Pomegranate Glaze:
1. Bring Pomegranate Concentrate and honey to simmer.
2. Add sesame oil and whisk.
For the Roasted Chicken Wings:
    • Chicken wings
    • Oil
    • Sriracha
Method for the Roasted Chicken Wings:
1. Rub chicken wings in oil and a dash of sriracha.
2. Roast in the oven at 425°F for 20-25 minutes or till golden brown. Glaze wings every ten minutes with Honey Pomegranate Glaze.
3. Garnish with sesame seeds and micro cilantro.