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Green Apple Sorbet and Hay Ice Cream with Buttermilk Mousse

Pastry Chef Chris Leung of Connat – Houston, TX

Green Apple Sorbet (Yield: 20 Servings):
    • 500 g. The Perfect Purée Green Apple Puree,  thawed
    • 25 g. lemon juice
    • 490 g. simple syrup (1:1)
    • 1 pinch salt
    • 1 g. xanthan gum
1. Blend together the apple puree, lemon juice, simple syrup and salt. Slowly sheer in xanthan gum. Chill. Process the sorbet base a Bravo ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Hay Ice Cream (Yield: 20 Servings):
    • 600 g. milk
    • 50 g. hay, toasted
    • 60 g. heavy cream
    • 120 g. sugar
    • 30 g. non-fat milk powder
    • 20 g. butter
    • 1/2 sheet gelatin, bloomed
    • 30 g. glucose powder
    • 9/10 g. xanthan gum
1. Bring the milk to a boil in a medium pot and add the toasted hay. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes off the heat. Strain out the hay. Put the cream, sugar and milk powder with the infused milk in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Put the hot mixture into a blender. Slowly blend in the butter, piece by piece. Next, add the bloomed gelatin. Finally, slowly add in the glucose powder and xanthan gum. Chill. Process the ice cream base in a Bravo ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Buttermilk Mousse (Yield: 10 Servings):
    • 150 g. buttermilk
    • 90 g. heavy cream
    • 15 g. sugar
    • 3 eggs yolks
    • 30 g. sugar
    • 2 sheets gelatin, bloomed
    • 240 g. heavy cream, soft peaks
1. Combine the buttermilk, heavy cream and sugar in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Temper the egg yolks and sugar with the buttermilk mixture, and return to the heat. Cook to 183ºF. Add the bloomed gelatin, whisk to combine and chill. Fold in whipped cream and pour into Demarle molds.
Rye Streusel (Yield: 20 Servings):
    • 90 g. rye flour
    • 70 g. all-purpose flour
    • 55 g. brown sugar
    • 40 g. sugar
    • 90 g. cold butter, diced
    • 1/4 tsp. salt
    • 1/4 oz. cinnamon
1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Put the rye flour, all-purpose flour, brown sugar, sugar, butter, salt and cinnamon in a mixing bowl. Mix until the butter is pea-sized. Bake on a sheet tray in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until light brown in color.
Pickled Granny Smith Apples (Yield: 20 Servings):
    • 150 g. apple cider vinegar
    • 125 g. water
    • 75 g. sugar
    • 1 whole star anise
    • 1/2 stick cinnamon
    • 2 Granny Smith apples
1. Heat vinegar, water and sugar in a pot, until the sugar is dissolved. Add the star anise and cinnamon. Cut the apples into ¾ inch batons. Put the apple pieces into pickling liquid.
Candied Pecans (Yield: 20 Servings):
    • 10 g. water
    • 30 g. sugar
    • 100 g. pecan pieces, toasted
1. Heat the water and sugar. Stir in the pecan pieces and continually stir until the sugar crystallizes. Remove from the heat and pour the pecans onto a sheet tray lined with parchment. Allow to cool.
Bourbon Foam (Yield: 20 Servings):
    • 200 g. water
    • 50 g. brown sugar
    • 100 g. bourbon
    • 2 g. xanthan gum
1. Heat the water and brown sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Blend in the bourbon, versawhip and xanthan gum. Put in a Hobart stand mixer with a whisk attachment and whip on high for 10 minutes.
To Assemble and Serve:
Swirl together the Hay Ice Cream and Green Apple Sorbet. Put the Buttermilk Mousse on the plate. Spoon some Rye Streusel on top of the Buttermilk Mousse. Put about 5-6 pieces of Pickled Apple onto the plate and Mousse. Put a quenelle of the combined ice cream-sorbet mixture on top of the Streusel. Sprinkle with Candied Pecans. Place about 2 to 3 spoonfuls of Bourbon Foam on the plate.