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Mint Julep

1 drink

Manny Hinojosa / Global Brand Ambassador Tequila Cazadores

    • 2 oz. bourbon
    • 1 oz. The Perfect Purée Apricot Puree, thawed
         or  Banana,
         or  Black Currant,
         or  Blackberry,
         or  Blueberry,
         or  Carmelized Pineapple,
         or  Cherry,
         or  Coconut,
         or  Cranberry,
         or  El Corazon,
         or  Green Apple,
         or  Kiwi,
         or  Lychee,
         or  Mandarin/Tangerine,
         or  Mango,
         or  Mango Passion Fruit,
         or  Meyer Lemon,
         or  Papaya,
         or  Passion Fruit,
         or  Peach Ginger,
         or  Pear,
         or  Pink Guava,
         or  Pomegranate,
         or  Prickly Pear,
         or  Red Raspberry,
         or  Strawberry,
         or  Tamarind,
         or  White Peach,
    • 1/4 oz. simple syrup
    • 8 mint leaves
Combine all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake. Strain and serve on the rocks in a julep glass.