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The Menehune’s Magical Mai Tai

1 drink

Christina Maffei, Liquid Artistry

For the Mai Tai:
1 oz. Bacardi Gran Reserva Diez
1/2 oz. The Perfect Purée Carmelized Pineapple Concentrate, thawed
3/4 oz. Indian Spiced `Ōlena (Turmeric) Syrup
1/2 oz. Almond Oil Washed Bacardi Superior
1/2 oz. Hawaiian Vanilla Bean Infused Bacardi Black
3/4 oz. fresh lime
`Ōlena (turmeric)-Copaiba Gummies, served on the side
Method for the Mai Tai:
1. Shake, strain into 11 oz. Brandy Snifter and add fresh ice. Add float and garnish with thinly sliced pineapple round, 3 gold dusted pineapple leaves, 3 pieces turmeric dusted candied ginger on a pick.
For the Indian Spice Syrup:
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 large piece fresh ginger root (about 5″ long)
1 tbsp. whole allspice berries
1 tsp. whole black peppercorns
1/2 tsp. whole coriander
1 tsp. Hawaiian `ōlena (turmeric) powder
1/4 tsp. garam masala
Method for the Indian Spice Syrup:
1. Peel ginger. Slice into 1/4″ pieces. Add water, sugar, ginger, allspice, black peppercorns, and coriander to a medium sized saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Once it comes to a boil, turn down heat and simmer for 13 minutes. Strain. Add turmeric powder and stir until thoroughly incorporated. Strain through a coffee filter. Strain once more. After double straining, add in the garam masala and stir. Store in refrigerator.
For the Almond Oil Washed Bacardi Superior:
4 oz. almond oil
750ml bottle of Bacardi Superior
Method for the Almond Oil Washed Bacardi Superior:
1. Add 4 oz. almond oil and full 750ml bottle of Bacardi Superior to a large cambro or sturdy plastic container. Place in freezer and freeze for 2 days. The oil will separate, rise to the top, and solidify. Remove the solid and strain spirit through coffee filter.
For the Hawaiian Vanilla Bean Infused Bacardi Black:
3-4 vanilla beans
750ml bottle of Bacardi Black
Method for the Hawaiian Vanilla Bean Infused Bacardi Black:
1. Split 3-4 vanilla beans and add directly to bottle. Let steep for about 5 days in cool dark space. Strain and discard vanilla beans.
For the `Ōlena (Turmeric)-Copaiba Gummies:
1 cup water
2 tbsp. Ohi’a Lehua Blossom Honey
3/4 tsp. Hawaiian `ōlena (turmeric) powder
2 tbsp. unflavored gelatin powder
2 drops Doterra Copaiba Oil
Method for the `Ōlena (Turmeric)-Copaiba Gummies:
1. Combine water, honey and turmeric in medium sauce pan over medium-high heat. Cook for about 5 minutes stirring constantly.
2. Remove from heat. Slowly sprinkle in gelatin powder as you are whisking constantly. Whisk for 1 minute. Let sit for about 30 seconds or so for the bubbles to settle. Add in the two drops of Copaiba Oil. Whisk gently. Only add in two drops- the oil is very potent.
3. Use a tiki mask silicon mold or the pattern of your choice or pour into a glass pyrex dish.
4. Place in refrigerator for at least 3 hours before unmolding or cutting. After unmolding or cutting, place in airtight containers. Will keep up to 7 days in fridge.