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Pomegranate Ice

8 servings

Source: Author, Niloufer Ichaporia King, My Bombay Kitchen

    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 1/4 cups The Perfect Purée Pomegranate Concentrate,  thawed
    • 3/4 cups water (to thin out Pomegranate)
    • Lime or lemon juice, to taste
    • Rosewater, to finish (optional)
    • Rose petals, unsprayed, for garnish (optional)
1. Combine sugar and water in a small saucepan over moderate heat. Make a simply syrup by bringing the mixture to a boil, lowering the heat and letting it simmer for 2-2 minutes.
2. Let the syrup cool down a little and stir in into the Pomegranate Concentrate.
3. Taste and adjust the acidity with lime or lemon juice. You want to keep the flavor strong and vibrant to withstand the effects of freezing.
4. Pour the mixture into a shallow container and let it freeze, stirring from time to time to keep it from separating.
5. When it’s frozen solid, you can serve it by scraping away at it to make pomegranate snow, or give it a quick run through a food processor to smooth out the texture.
6. Transfer to a smaller tighter covered container until you’re ready to serve.
Alternate Serving Suggestion:
If you like ices on the slushy side, let the container sit at room temperature for a few minutes to soften. Or you can freeze the mixture in an ice cream maker following the instructions and serve it as soft or firm as you want.